Invite Annie to Speak at Your Event

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As a coach, consultant, author and motivational speaker, Annie is a leader within the Native American, LGBTQ and women entrepreneur and business communities. She has a special way of connecting with other small business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate executives to empower them to want to excel in both their professional and personal lives.

Annie experienced her own struggles growing up as a very poor urban/rural Native American girl in a world that did not fit with her dreams and ideas. She was brought up with a nonexistent alcoholic father and a drug addicted mother. Annie knew that if she did not get an education and make her own path that she could end up in a similar situation as her parents. Annie pushed forward and started her first company at the age of 23.

Because of her experience, she truly understands that what you are feeling on the inside connects with what you are dealing with on the outside. But how do you connect the two in a thoughtful way? How does this connect with your business or starting your own business? How do you organize and motivate yourself to put your best foot forward every morning?

Overcoming many obstacles, Annie eventually became a small business owner, worked at one of the largest cellular network providers as an executive then finally finding her calling becoming an accredited business coach and consultant. Through her work in the coaching and small business community, she gained an insider’s view to the issues that womxn of color and LGBTQ entrepreneurs face today. Her deep care and empathy for her community led to Annie becoming a certified coach and founding The Leadership Lab, a career coaching community-based organization.

Recently Annie was diagnosed with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma, but that did not stop her from achieving her goals, from dreaming and creating opportunities for her community. The Leadership Lab achieved a huge financial milestone during her second round of chemo and radiation, she hired incredible staff (and has job openings even with COVID) to support the Labs growing list of clients and created a life/work balance for herself and employees that make people envious. We have four-day work weeks, and rarely work over 32 hours a week.

Even in a wheelchair, bald and frail, Annie did not stop. She knows that the team she created supports her, she supports them and we all support the mission and the belief that all people deserve to be supported through coaching and mentoring. Annie believes in team for almost everything she does in her life. And she know that collaboration and balancing feminine/masculine energy in our companies and organization is our future.

While networking Annie believes it is important to ask, “how are you doing”, rather than, “what do you do”. This opened up conversations with other coaches, mentors, founders, CEOs, entrepreneurs and many more. Annie shares her struggles, dreams and wins openly with others. One day someone asked her to publicly speak at an event and this opened up a ‘can of worms’ and brought Annie out of her shell and start publicly speaking and her teaching business techniques on various topics.

Annie wants to not only educate her audiences but also let them know they are not alone in their struggles, and hopes her inspirational and education messages can help others.

Popular Speaking Topics



Annie explores the popular trend of paying copious amounts of money just to "adjust your mindset," and proposes an alternative. What if you could receive real, practical advice on how to grow your business quickly and efficiently? What if you could act now and get immediate results? How can you build a team that supports your dream? What is an operational mindset and how can you achieve it?



Over the last 20 years, Annie has experienced the ups and downs of serial entrepreneurism, and she doesn’t mind speaking about these experiences or what she’s learned from them. Discuss community and how can it make me be a better founder and entrepreneur. and how essential it is to build a tribe.


Annie believes that minority womxn are the future of the business world. Using her personal experience as a backdrop, Annie talks about the rise of minority womxn, building a company with feminine/masculine energy and operations, what's been holding us back, and the badass entrepreneurial world that we can expect to come.