What's on Annie's mind this week? Keeping It Old School
One of my favorite part and not-so-favorite part of my business is marketing. And you are probably like, but Annie you owned a marketing firm for over 11 years, why do you loathe it so much? One of the main reasons is if you are not staying on top of things all of a sudden you are that little old lady with the new phone that does not know how to make a phone call...ALL I WANT TO DO IS CALL SOMEONE...you know, we all have that grandma.
But now I have seen a kind-of new light when it comes to marketing because old school is back baby! Well I am going to bring it back my old strategies while keeping up with the new trends. Its like wearing a boho dress with a pair of 1986 Adidas sneakers. It looks amazing and fresh but at the same time it combines a classic with a trend. Marketing has trends just like fashion...remember Periscope, MySpace Friendster?
I'm not trying to be new school and I'm not old school - I'm classic. There's a lot of new cars and there's a lot of old cars, but I'm just classic in doing what I do. ~LL Cool J
So how do I keep up with the trends and at the same time keep it old school? Take Nordstrom for an example. I am a huge fan of Nordstrom because I can still go into a store and return anything. Do you remember the urban myth of the gentleman that brought in a tire to return and Nordstrom returned the tire, no questions asked. But Nordstrom has been embracing new school marketing by creating a Nordstrom branded app, website with extensive user generated content and reviews, and they have Pinterest buyable pins. While most department stores are taking a nose-dive people are still walking through the doors of Nordstrom online and old-school going into a brick and mortar store.
My social media strategy has changed and will continue to evolve but I have found the things that work for my business and my personality, the personality of my business. Each business has a personality, even the mechanic down the street garage has a personality. My advice is to embrace your personality, its quality over quantity and stop using it all...no one looks good head to toe in Gucci (unless you are Jeffree Star).